Job / Praca

» Job / Praca

[Native speakers: English version below]

Right Now to najdłużej działająca sieć szkół językowych na Śląsku (32 lata)

 i jedna z największych niefranczyzowych szkół w Polsce

Ciągle się rozwijamy i dlatego szukamy osób, chcą dołączyć do naszego zespołu.

Praca w Right Now to gwarancja spotkania ciekawych osób i możliwość własnego rozwoju.
Jeśli nauczanie języków obcych jest Twą pasją tak jak naszą - dołącz do nas.



przedszkolaków i dzieci szkół podstawowych i średnich

znajomość danego języka
umiejętność pracy z dziećmi
komunikatywność i bardzo dobre zdolności interpersonalne
zapał do pracy i przekonanie, że nauczanie języków obcych jest tym co lubisz robić
doświadczenie w nauczaniu  będzie dodatkowym atutem

stabilne zatrudnienie
atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie
możliwość rozwoju zawodowego

Zatrudnimy  lektorów języka angielskiego, niemieckiego, hiszpańskiego
Wyślij CV na adres [email protected] CV i dołącz klauzulę: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy w celach rekrutacyjnych, zgodnie z ustawą z dn. 29.08.1997r. „O ochronie danych osobowych”, Dz.U. nr 133, poz. 833)


If  teaching foreign languages is your passion like ours - join us!

About us
The hometown of our school is Żory a small town in the Silesia region of southern Poland. It is very conveniently situated - 30 km from Katowice, the capital of Silesia, 120 km from Cracow (Kraków), possibly the most beautiful city in Poland and 50 km from the ski slopes of the Beskidy mountains. It is also very close to the Czech border, and a train ride away from Prague, Vienna, Berlin and Budapest.

Right Now was founded in 1992, and has grown from a one-room teaching facility to a brand new two-storey school in the center of town. We have been in business for 30 years  now, so we are one of the oldest language schools in the country. At the moment, we teach over 800 students in five  locations in 3 towns.
The friendly atmosphere, quality of teaching and dedicated staff make us one of the leading English-language schools on the Polish market.

Here is the short film presenting the town we originate from - Żory

About the  job
We teach kids from the age of five, youth and adults on different levels, starting from absolute beginners up to preparation for the First Certificate in English exam. We have been employing native speakers (from Canada,, the US, the UK, Malta, Australia, New Zealand, Nigeria and even Singapore) since 1993, only one year after the school was founded. They work on a tandem teaching basis (i.e. a student has one lesson per week with a Polish teacher, and one with a native). Each lesson is 90 mins. To ensure efficient outcome of their work, it is coordinated by the Director of Studies. The Polish teacher teaches grammar while the Native concentrates on comprehension and conversation abilities. Thus, there is a lot of room for creativity on the part of the Native teacher.

Classes - both those of the native and the Polish teachers - are conducted  between 3.30  and 9 pm. Thus the total time of teaching is mere 3 x 90 mins per day. That  leaves mornings  free, and could be filled with online classes arranged by applicant or any other activities.

The lessons are based on textbooks (such as the Pearson , Oxford University Press, Express Publishing and Cambridge editions) as well as the teachers' own ideas. Our premises are well stocked with books that offer outlines of games, activities and conversation topics. Free Internet access is available for both students as well as teachers.  All modern devices like computers with interactive whiteboards are installed in every classroom.

All the native teachers have been quite happy in Żory; quite a few ended up staying longer than they had originally planned - even 8 years or so. If you would like to meet some interesting people, see fascinating places, and experience Poland at its best, come teach English at Right Now. A Bachelor's degree and some teaching experience would be an asset, however, we are willing to provide some initial help and training.

To see photos showing our school, staff and events we organize go to our gallery of pictures .

If you:

  • are a native speaker of English
  • have completed any recognised teacher training courses (CELTA, DELTA, TESOL)
  • have had some teaching experience
  • have a college or university degree
  • (due to lengthy and complicated procedure to obtain legal permit to work in Poland for non-EU citizens - EU passport is a substantial asset).

What we offer:

  • 10 months (September to mid June) contract for teaching (12-15 teaching hours a week - a 'teaching hour' is 90 minutes). There are 31 working weeks  every school year.
  • fully furnished and equipped accommodation within school premises,  so you don't need to look for it yourself
  • an assistance in obtaining work permits and and all other red tape
  • national health insurance
  • friendly and professional working environment
  • a good local salary
  • overtime and one-to-one tutoring widely available
  • airport pickup
  • initial and ongoing training

Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us. Our ex-native speakers email addresses are disclosed upon request.


[email protected]

mailing address:

"Right Now" Language School
ul. Centralna 15
44-240 Żory, Poland

phone:  (+48) 790 777 776