Yola Wołczyńska

» Kadra » Yola Wołczyńska

I am a teacher because I like teachng and I can have long holidays 🙂

The best thing about teaching is seeing the results of my work, meeting lots of interesting people and having fun in the classroom.

In order to stay creative in the classroom I browse the Internet.

The biggest challenge in the teaching is correcting lots of tests. And teaching "difficult students".

If I could change my job I would be a pilot.

What I want to say to my students here on this website is "Don't give up, believe in yourselves, be hard-working and you'll see the results of your lessons soon :)"

When I don't teach I look after my little son, ride a horse, read books, meet my friends or go to the mountains.

Apart from teaching I am also good at cooking 🙂